Today we hear from Aileen McLeod who is the Director of Business Planning and Commercial for Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSE) and new member of the Fair Work Convention in the next of our New Members Blog Series.
This is an important time for fair work to be part of our national debate. Everywhere I look the world of work, and indeed the world we live in, is changing. With that change comes an opportunity for improvement and to realise Scotland’s vision of fair work for all.

Fairness is a balance. Too much for one can, in many instances, come with too little for another. Yet the determination of what is “too much” or “too little” can be subjective, and the decision-maker can be influenced by her own experience and perspective.
This is the great strength of the Fair Work Convention. It is a listening organisation with a diverse membership from the public and private sectors, academic, voluntary organisations and trades union. It is open and transparent, and crystal clear on the dimensions of fair work. And, importantly, striking a fair balance is at the heart of the Convention’s independent advice to Scottish Ministers.
In my own sector, energy, we face transformative change as our economy and society decarbonises. Fairness – and a just transition to net zero – is central to success be that the oil and gas worker looking to retrain, the construction worker on a remote site or the long serving employee struggling to adjust. Last year, SSE was the first company in the world to publish a Just Transition Strategy setting out our approach to the social implications of delivering net zero; from jobs and training, to working with communities and ensuring no one is left behind. We are listening and learning from our own colleagues who are making that transition. While purposeful work and opportunity are enablers, uncertainty and role change are of tangible concern. Valuing the employee voice is one of SSE’s core principles for good, green jobs.
So, I am excited to join the Fair Work Convention. I hope to share my own experience from the energy sector, learn from others and contribute to making fair work a reality for all.