Measuring Scotland’s Performance as a Leading Fair Work Nation

Appendix B: International Fair Work Nation Framework Update Note

The International Fair Work Nation Framework comprises 16 indicators measured across up to nine countries. Indicators capture the relative progress of countries across the five dimensions of Fair Work as defined by the Fair Work Convention (FWC): Opportunity, Respect, Security, Fulfilment, and Effective Voice. In this appendix, we discuss the data sources of the selected indicators and how to access them in order to replicate our findings or update them with newer data in the future.

For all indicators, the data sources for Scotland are the same as those described in Appendix A, unless explicitly stated.


Data for all indicators in this dimension are updated regularly.

Disability employment gap:

Gender economic inactivity gap:

Youth unemployment rate:


Workplace non-fatal injuries per 100,000

Prevalence of work related ill-health and disease


Gender pay gap

It is important to note that the gender pay gap reported as part of the International Fair Work Nation Framework in Chapters Two and Three differs slightly in definition compared to the indicator included in the Fair Work Measurement Framework in Chapter One. The Measurement Framework captures the gender pay gap for full-time workers, while the International Framework captures the gender pay gap in average hourly earnings across all paid employees.


Permanent employment

Involuntary non-permanent work

Involuntary part-time work

Low pay



Effective Voice

Trade Union membership

Collective bargaining