
Fair Work Inquiry into the Construction Industry, The Story so far – Mary Alexander

The Fair Work Convention (FWC) launched its Inquiry into Fair Work in the Construction Industry in January this year, 2020. Bringing together a range of representatives from the Fair Work Convention, Local Authorities, Construction Companies, National Bodies engaged in the sector, Trade Unions and others to form the Construction Industry Inquiry Group (CIIG). The groups … Read more

Greater commitment to progress is needed if Scotland is to achieve its ambition of being a Fair Work Nation by 2025

Scotland’s Fair Work Convention has urged a greater commitment by government, employers and trade unions to implementing and progressing fair work if Scotland is to achieve its ambition of being a Fair Work Nation by 2025. The Fair Work Convention’s latest report ‘Fair Work in Scotland’, published today (Tuesday 15 December), analyses official data for … Read more

An update on Fair Work in Scotland’s Social Care Sector – Lilian Macer

When we launched the Fair Work Convention (FWC) Social Care Report in February 2019 no one could have anticipated, less than 12 months later, that we would be in the midst of the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic has brought into sharp focus the need for the recommendations within our report to be escalated and … Read more

Fair Work Convention Self-Assessment tool

A new resource is now available from the Fair Work Convention to help workers self-assess Fair Work issues which affect them in the workplace. The Fair Work Convention’s online Self-Assessment tool is designed to help workers assess and reflect on their own experience of Fair Work and suggest actions they can take to improve upon it. … Read more

Fair Work within the COVID-19 crisis and beyond – Satnam Ner

“Unprecedented” or “crisis” are the most common descriptors attached to Covid-19. The pandemic has caused near-complete turmoil to long-held norms in the traditional world of work. So it wouldn’t be an inaccurate observation that many of the work sectors that have been best able to confront, survive and adapt to the challenges presented by the … Read more

Procurement Conference 24th October 2018

I’m Caitlin Marie Hurst and I’m a Modern Apprentice. My role is within the Fair Work Convention support team. (Who are great☺.)  Before I started working with the team I was studying Health and Social Care at Glasgow Kelvin College. I decided this was the path I wanted to take as I had previously worked … Read more