Roz Foyer

Roz Foyer

Fair Work Convention member

Roz Foyer is the STUC’s General Secretary. She has over twenty-five years’ experience in the trade union movement. Roz began as a workplace activist in the Benefits Agency. After leading a successful campaign against support services privatisation, she was recruited by the printer workers union as a trainee organiser, before gaining prominence in the Scottish movement as an Assistant Secretary at the STUC. She went on to become a National Officer with the Transport and General Workers Union, later moving into Unite’s National Organising Department. She excelled as a strategist who delivered a series of successful membership campaigns.  Her role as General Secretary of the STUC involves representing over half a million trade unionists in Scotland, co-ordinating, developing and articulating the views and policies of the trade union movement.

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Mary Alexander

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Robert Carr

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Anna Fowlie, Chief Executive of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

Anna Fowlie

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Aileen McLeod

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Satnam Ner

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Dawn Roberts

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Chris Westcott

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